By: Sebastian Ruiz
Endless grueling nights of thinking
He could never stop wanting more
Days went by and he was still sinking
He could have done much more
He used to imagine the unreachable
Living all dressed up till midnight
Now he rather make his hard untouchable
Leaving first just cause they might
He found the one that makes him smile
He reminds him of past melodies
He thinks he is not enough
He remembered the halo
He wishes to be unseen
vWeird since it’s all he’s known
Scared of getting ripped
Weird since it’s all he’s known
Remember the feelings
Forget them all
Remember the places
Forget the faces
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Essay
By: Sebastian Ruiz
It’s better to have loved and lost than to never experience the impact of love in our lives. The magnitude of many different soul-chattering pieces of media that I would love to consume for the first time again are the main reasons for my life’s course.
One of them is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind which is not only a film but a way to portray the importance of our memoirs and their impact.
I could see every piece of myself in this film through many different ways. It’s something that changed the way I feel emotions, feelings and thoughts. It helped me with loving and accepting myself the way I am and who I’ve been....
Far Memories
By: Sebastian Ruiz
Seeing your face so close
Looking at your corduroy hair
Oh I remember so well
What a drag to feel like I do
Now I find you in every place
Waiting for you to forgive
Been there so many times
Could we please just be erased
Knew you went heading away
So close to change my way
Living in memories that fade away
Still remember how you sway
Will I stop this pitiless fate
Even if I could you already looked away
But I will wait knowing you never did
Dont like how things have changed